purple Pit Vipers for Outdoor Activities

If you're into the outdoors, you may want to consider purchasing a pair of Purple Pit Viper sunglasses for your next adventure. This zany pair of sunglasses comes with a pink frame, splattered with blue, white, and pink mirror lens. This pair is sure to make your next outdoor activity a hit! You can find the right pair for any activity with these colorful sunglasses. In addition to their fun style, these unique sunglasses are made to last, and they'll keep your entire family protected and looking good. Pit Viper Sunglasses for Cycling If you're a serious cyclist or a race car driver, you'll probably need a pair of Pit Viper Nightfall . Pit Vipers offer polarized and double-wide styles that will protect your eyes. The Pit Viper Double Wide model is a great choice for bikers, too. If you're an avid runner, you might want to consider getting a pair of these sunglasses as well. These stylish sunglasses will give you a better vision and prevent you from squinting. Pit ...